Vagaries of "Mustard Seed Garden" 芥子園奇想 (2010)
The Vagaries of "Mustard Seed Garden"
“Mustard Seed Garden Painting Manual” is a traditional Chinese paintings manual during Qing Dynasty. It was commissioned by Shen Xinyou, the “Mustard Seed Garden”, is the name of his father-in-law Li Yu’s villa.
The book collected many paintings as a sample, every section has word description. It’s a model for the people who learn and paint Chinese paintings. Master Qi Baishi, Lin Fengmian etc., used this manual to imitate the painting technique in teenage.
There are three sections of “Mustard Seed Garden Painting Manual”: First section: “Mountain and sea”, second section: “Plum, orchid, bamboo, & chrysanthemum” and third section: “Flower & plume”. It’s well-known to every family and household.
Everytime I read this book, I imagine……..
“芥子園畫傳”主要分為三篇: 第一篇為”山水篇”,第二篇為”梅、蘭、菊、竹篇”和第三篇的”花卉翎毛篇”。圖文並茂,家喻戶曉。
“Mustard Seed Garden Painting Manual” is a traditional Chinese paintings manual during Qing Dynasty. It was commissioned by Shen Xinyou, the “Mustard Seed Garden”, is the name of his father-in-law Li Yu’s villa.
The book collected many paintings as a sample, every section has word description. It’s a model for the people who learn and paint Chinese paintings. Master Qi Baishi, Lin Fengmian etc., used this manual to imitate the painting technique in teenage.
There are three sections of “Mustard Seed Garden Painting Manual”: First section: “Mountain and sea”, second section: “Plum, orchid, bamboo, & chrysanthemum” and third section: “Flower & plume”. It’s well-known to every family and household.
Everytime I read this book, I imagine……..
“芥子園畫傳”主要分為三篇: 第一篇為”山水篇”,第二篇為”梅、蘭、菊、竹篇”和第三篇的”花卉翎毛篇”。圖文並茂,家喻戶曉。
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