Color Imagery : Still Life 漫色 : 靜物 (2014)
Color Imagery : Still Life
"Still Life" is a symbol, In addition to the appearance and function, "Still Life" is often caused me to imagine the memories and desire. When I have a feeling and communication with these objects, I found that they have a life.
Contemplation of their own identity, to combine this object to other symbolic objects, through integration, put together and become a new imagery, subtle composition of the individual.
All objects was a low-priced product which bought from Sham Shui Po and Mongkok, which symbolizes the sex, desire, romance and love.
漫色 : 靜物
"靜物"具有象徵成份, 除了外表與功能, 令我們產生既有的定義;“靜物”往往令我產生想像, 回憶及慾望。當我和靜物產生感覺和溝通時, 逐漸發覺它們是有著另一種生命。將這些順手拈來的物件進行重組、結合, 組成了微妙的個體, 產生新的意象。所有物件均來自深水埗和旺角買來的廉價貨品, 當中物件象徵著慾望, 浪漫, 愛情與性。
"Still Life" is a symbol, In addition to the appearance and function, "Still Life" is often caused me to imagine the memories and desire. When I have a feeling and communication with these objects, I found that they have a life.
Contemplation of their own identity, to combine this object to other symbolic objects, through integration, put together and become a new imagery, subtle composition of the individual.
All objects was a low-priced product which bought from Sham Shui Po and Mongkok, which symbolizes the sex, desire, romance and love.
漫色 : 靜物
"靜物"具有象徵成份, 除了外表與功能, 令我們產生既有的定義;“靜物”往往令我產生想像, 回憶及慾望。當我和靜物產生感覺和溝通時, 逐漸發覺它們是有著另一種生命。將這些順手拈來的物件進行重組、結合, 組成了微妙的個體, 產生新的意象。所有物件均來自深水埗和旺角買來的廉價貨品, 當中物件象徵著慾望, 浪漫, 愛情與性。
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